The UX-MBA: Combining Product Leadership, Business Analysis, and User Experience into a State of Being

By embracing these five MBA-like qualities, a UX Product Leader can reach a master's level of awareness, committed to excellence and delivering high-quality solutions that exceed expectations for everyone involved. Responsive to their project, team, and organization.

The UX-MBA: Combining Product Leadership, Business Analysis, and User Experience into a State of Being
MidJourney illustration w/ strange language included ... as an example of the current state of AI design highlighted in this article

As a career-long UX consultant, we are at an interesting time. Technology is increasingly stepping into the work traditionally done by UX professionals. At its core, the roles of Product Managers, UX Designers, and Business Analysts converge on one fundamental goal: building better experiences for real-world people and enhancing the business value for the companies they serve.

With technology actively engaged in delivering user experiences, the question arises: where does that leave the UX Leader?

If you're here, you're already pondering this question, and I propose that we embrace more of an MBA mindset in our work in user experience. 

The future of UX Leadership is about asking the right questions and enabling product ownership to grow and improve. It's about recognizing that the landscape is changing and that the role of UX is no longer just about design or user research. It now encompasses product leadership, business analysis, and a holistic approach to creating exceptional user experiences.

Without finger pointing, what MBA styled attributes can you embrace to continue on your career path? Here’s 5 considerations that hopefully resonate with qualities you / we are already bringing to every project.

  1. You Have a Customer-Centric Focus
    A future-forward UX Product Leader is deeply fascinated by people’s experiences and motivations. It's not just about conducting industry audits but understanding the everyday activities of users and striving to make these interactions as intuitive and seamless as possible. By asking the right questions and utilizing the wealth of data from customer reviews, videos, and feedback, along with new GPT technologies, you can better articulate opportunities for building truly user-centric designs.

  2. You Share a Collaborative Leadership Style Across All Levels of the Project
    Effective UX Product Leaders are great facilitators of change and excel at collaborating across teams. They understand the unique constraints of their project team, the wider organization, and the industry. Embracing an MBA mindset means leading the UX and customer conversation across cross-functional teams, facilitating communication and enabling insights and refinements. It's about transitioning from ad-hoc processes to formal business improvements.

  3. Adaptability and Versatility Are Core Aspects of Your Career
    Opportunity favors the bold, and success favors the consistent. In the fast-paced tech industry, the ability to adapt to various frameworks and methodologies is crucial. This goes beyond choosing between design tools; it's about understanding the pain points of the team, the framework, and project timelines. A true UX Product Leader learns the paths to success and works collaboratively to achieve them, consistently delivering high-quality solutions.

  4. You Embrace a Natural Curiosity and Passion for Customer Stories
    Taking the time to learn, understand, and integrate customer stories into the design process sets exceptional UX Product Leaders apart. Building with an eye for empathy and inclusivity is key, ensuring that designs are accessible and meet the needs of all users. Thriving on users' experiences, concerns, and excitement is essential. Every user story reveals emotions and frustrations that can fuel the design process, creating products that users feel connected to and proud of.

  5. A Commitment to Continuous Improvement Is Core to Your Being
    At the heart of the MBA mindset is a desire to continually improve. It’s the quiet passion for building better and finding optimal pathways in the progress of building, testing, documenting, and collaborating with the team. The hallmark of a great UX Product Leader is using their craft not only in the work they deliver but also in how they do their work. Understanding how to improve and add real value to users' lives, enhance co-worker participation, and empower leadership is essential. The comfort in iterating and improving ensures that solutions are always refined based on collected feedback. Even in organizations that may not fully embrace this reality, a forward-thinking UX Product Leader champions continuous improvement.

What used to be a siloed role focused on pushing pixels and responding to user feedback has evolved into a multifaceted discipline that encompasses research, analytics, and even AI-based design technologies. Today's UX designers must navigate a complex landscape where design skills are just one part of a much larger toolkit, including deep product knowledge and business acumen.

In summary, you are not just working in your lane but also bridging across teams in ways that help everyone deliver the best solutions. By embracing these five 'MBA-like' qualities, a UX Product Leader can reach a master's level of awareness, committed to excellence and delivering high-quality solutions that exceed expectations for everyone involved. Responsive to their project, team, and organization, a UX-MBA Product Leader is empowered by their collaborative, comprehensive and extendable approach.

Here at Humanjava Enterprises, we embody these principles in every project we undertake. We are passionate about creating better user experiences and driving meaningful improvements for both users and businesses. If you have fixed-term contract needs or other consulting engagements, Vergel Evans, our senior consultant, is available through the end of 2024. Reach out to us and let’s build something exceptional together.